Montessori Education
Montessori education was created by Dr. Maria Montessori, one of Italy's first female physicians. As a doctor, she calmly observed children and discovered that children possess a "self-forming power" to grow on their own. We, as adults, work to serve children rather than "teach" them. We arrange an environment conducive to the child's development and indirectly support the child in growing on their own.
During this period when children are absorbing and shaping themselves, it is essential to provide a rich and relaxed language environment. Responding to the children's desire to communicate, Children’s House guides listen attentively to their stories. Guides speak slowly and use correct Japanese language to enhance the children's vocabulary. Also, an English native speaker guide engages in English conversations. Children naturally absorb both Japanese and English, expanding their possibilities for future multilingual acquisition.

Maria Montessori said, "Food itself is education." There are various benefits from engaging in activities related to food: choice of nutritious food, enhancement of self-esteem, promotion of social development, and preservation of culture. We provide healthy lunches and strive to use locally sourced ingredients. Children participate in activities like cutting vegetables and washing rice. We aim to share the joy of eating together.
Montessori education sows many seeds of future possibilities for children. We cannot predict in which field children will blossom. Therefore, we strive to provide as many possibilities as we can. We do this through Culture. Our wish is for children to engage in their favorite endeavors and to lead fulfilling lives.
From 0 to 6 years old is the period of what Maria Montessori calls the "absorbent mind." Especially, children up to the age of 3 unconsciously absorb their surroundings to build their personalities. During this time, by touching greenery, feeling the soil, experiencing the wind, touching small living things, smelling plants, and absorbing nature, the Earth becomes a part of the child. The child grows to love nature and the environment. We hope that the children at our Nara Children’s House become individuals who think about the world and Japan on a global scale.
Montessori education aims for the formation of each child's personality and the realization of a harmonious, peaceful, and ideal society. Maria Montessori was a devout Catholic Christian. Montessori education, which strives for freedom and peace, is imbued with Christianity’s pillar of love.

Maria Montessori said, "Food itself is education." There are various benefits from engaging in activities related to food: choice of nutritious food, enhancement of self-esteem, promotion of social development, and preservation of culture. We provide healthy lunches and strive to use locally sourced ingredients. Children participate in activities like cutting vegetables and washing rice. We aim to share the joy of eating together.
Montessori Education
Montessori education was created by Dr. Maria Montessori, one of Italy's first female physicians. As a doctor, she calmly observed children and discovered that children possess a "self-forming power" to grow on their own. We, as adults, work to serve children rather than "teach" them. We arrange an environment conducive to the child's development and indirectly support the child in growing on their own.
Montessori education aims for the formation of each child's personality and the realization of a harmonious, peaceful, and ideal society. Maria Montessori was a devout Catholic Christian. Montessori education, which strives for freedom and peace, is imbued with Christianity’s pillar of love.
From 0 to 6 years old is the period of what Maria Montessori calls the "absorbent mind." Especially, children up to the age of 3 unconsciously absorb their surroundings to build their personalities. During this time, by touching greenery, feeling the soil, experiencing the wind, touching small living things, smelling plants, and absorbing nature, the Earth becomes a part of the child. The child grows to love nature and the environment. We hope that the children at our Nara Children’s House become individuals who think about the world and Japan on a global scale.
Montessori education sows many seeds of future possibilities for children. We cannot predict in which field children will blossom. Therefore, we strive to provide as many possibilities as we can. We do this through Culture. Our wish is for children to engage in their favorite endeavors and to lead fulfilling lives.
During this period when children are absorbing and shaping themselves, it is essential to provide a rich and relaxed language environment. Responding to the children's desire to communicate, Children’s House guides listen attentively to their stories. Guides speak slowly and use correct Japanese language to enhance the children's vocabulary. Also, an English native speaker guide engages in English conversations. Children naturally absorb both Japanese and English, expanding their possibilities for future multilingual acquisition.