(しょく) ~ Food
Maria Montessori said, "Food itself is education." There are various benefits from engaging in activities related to food: choice of nutritious food, enhancement of self-esteem, promotion of social development, and preservation of culture. We provide healthy lunches and strive to use locally sourced ingredients. Children participate in activities like cutting vegetables and washing rice. We aim to share the joy of eating together.
  1. 将来、子ども達が自ら食材を調達し、調理し、良い食事を摂ることが出来るようになること
  2. 自己肯定感の向上


  3. 社会性の発達促進


  4. 文化を継承すること


  1. 食材を理解する


  2. 調理活動への子どもの参加


  3. 日本語と英語の子どもの語彙を広げる


  4. 数学的感覚を身に着ける

    料理を通して、数を表す言葉や量(例:2 カップの米、塩1 つまみ、玉子2 個)や、箸は2 本で1 膳、お休みの子のテーブルには何も置かない(0 の概念)などを通じて、数学的感覚を経験します。

In our food education, we aim to:
  1. Enable children to choose, cook, and enjoy their own nutritious food in the future.
  2. Boost self-esteem:

    By doing something for someone, children experience the satisfaction of contributing to society. Young children, often treated as incapable due to their age, gain valuable experiences of being needed, leading to a well-founded sense of confidence.

  3. Foster social development:

    Eating together and engaging in meal-related activities promote social development. Children naturally learn manners by being with Children’s House guides during meals. No coercion nor teaching. Mealtime is enjoyable and relaxing.

  4. Preserve culture:

    Children learn about ingredients and seasonal vegetables related to Japanese cultural events. They also learn the proper use of chopsticks and eating etiquette, naturally inheriting the beauty of Japanese culture.

We conduct the following food education activities:
  1. Understanding ingredients:

    Children recognize what vegetables and ingredients are by seeing them whole before cooking.

  2. Participating in cooking activities:

    Children use suitable tools according to their motor development. Activities include tearing vegetables, removing beans from pods, washing rice, setting the table, and washing dishes.

  3. Expanding vocabulary in Japanese and English:

    Through food activities, children naturally expand their passive and active vocabulary in both Japanese and English. For example, the names of ingredients and kitchen utensils, action words, and descriptive words.

  4. Developing a mathematical sense:

    Cooking activities involve words and concepts related to quantity, such as "2 cups of rice," "a pinch of salt," "2 eggs," and experiencing the concept of zero, by using empty dishware.

food image