~ Montessori Education
Montessori education was created by Dr. Maria Montessori, one of Italy's first female physicians. As a doctor, she calmly observed children and discovered that children possess a "self-forming power" to grow on their own. We, as adults, work to serve children rather than "teach" them. We arrange an environment conducive to the child's development and indirectly support the child in growing on their own.


  • 自己自身への配慮のコーナー

    髪をとく 鼻を拭く 手を洗う練習 着衣枠 歯を磨く 靴を磨く など

  • 環境への配慮のコーナー

    埃を払う 窓ガラスを拭く 花をいける 鏡を磨く 植物の水やり 洗濯 掃く など

垂直棒と立方体 水平棒とディスク ひも通し 縫いさし のり貼り パズル ハサミを使う など
絵本のエリアには日本語と英語の絵本があります。子どもの混乱を避けるため5~7 冊のみをローテーションで配置します。子どもはひとりで絵本を見たり、日本人や英語のネイティブのスタッフから読み聞かせをしてもらったりします。
様々な楽器がローテーションで設置されます。子どもは自由に楽器を楽しみ、音楽に合わせシャカシャカドドコドコ演奏します。楽器の絵を見ながらその音のCD を聴き、楽器の理解を深めるコーナーもあります
マリア・モンテッソーリは、発達の4段階(※2)の第1段階(0~6 歳)の子どものみに見られる特殊な精神を、長期間のインド滞在中に発見しました。そして吸収精神と呼びました。子どもが環境にある物全てを獲得し、自己を作り上げていく力で、まるでスポンジが水を吸い上げるかのような精神です。

0~6 歳に現れる吸収精神は2つに分かれています。0~3歳児は「無意識の創造者」と呼ばれ、無意識に環境にある物を吸収します。内部から湧き出る衝動により、五感を使って物事の詳細までぐんぐん吸収します。例えば言葉、動き、文化的な慣習、習慣、価値観などに加え、周りにいる人の気持ちや態度も吸収していきます。

※1 敏感期とは


  • 話し言葉の敏感期(胎生7か月から2歳ぐらい)


  • 秩序の敏感期(誕生から1歳半~2歳半くらいがピーク)

    様々な秩序が整っていることを求めます 外の世界の秩序を整えることで子どもの内面も整います

  • 小さい物の敏感期(2歳ぐらい)


  • 感覚の敏感期(0~3歳半・触覚2歳から3歳)


  • 運動の敏感期(獲得期は誕生から2歳半ぐらい)


  • 社会性(誕生から6歳、ピークは3歳半から6歳)


※2 発達の4段階とは
  • 第1段階 0~6歳 乳幼児期
  • 第2段階 6~12歳 児童期
  • 第3段階 12~18歳 思春期
  • 第4段階 18~24歳 青年期(成熟期)

子どもの精神」p 29


モンテッソーリ・マリア著 中村勇訳 「子どもの精神―吸収する精神―」
公益財団法人 才能開発教育研究財団 日本モンテッソーリ教育綜合研究所 2020年第7版発行

Montessori Education
At Nara Montessori Children's House, children freely choose what they want to explore. Shelves and learning corners are designed, stocked, and arranged specifically for each of the following themes:
1. Exercise of Practical Life Area
Through the exercise of practical life, children learn self-discipline and adapt to their environment. Furthermore, these activities contribute to the acquisition and refinement of motor skills needed for various future endeavors.
  • Care of the Person:

    Activities that allow children to independently manage personal tasks include brushing hair, wiping the nose, handwashing as an exercise, using dressing frames, brushing teeth, polishing shoes, and more.

  • Care of the Environment:

    Activities that allow children to adapt to the environment and to keep it beautifully include dusting, cleaning glass, flower arranging, polishing mirror, watering plants, washing cloths, sweeping, and more.

montessori education image
2. Aids to psycho-sensory motor development
Maria Montessori emphasized the importance of hand development for intellectual growth and psycho-sensory motor development. Children choose tools, such as cubes on vertical dowel and discs on horizontal dowel, that match their developmental stage. They also focus on bead stringing, sewing, gluing, puzzles, using scissors and more.
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3. Language Corner
Children’s vocabulary expands by using actual items, replicas, and various cards. The items are limited in number to make it easy for children to choose. To keep children engaged, the contents are regularly rotated.
Japanese and English books are also displayed. To avoid overwhelming the children only 5 to 7 books are available at any one time. Children explore books on their own or enjoy listening to Japanese and native English speaker guides read to them.
4. Art Corner
To foster children's self-expression, various art supplies such as clay, crayons, chalk, and paint are provided. Using a large easel to freely hold brushes and chalk contributes to the development of gross motor skills.
5. Music Corner
Various instruments are set up on a rotational basis. Children can enjoy playing instruments, play together in rhythm, and explore understanding of instruments by listening to corresponding CDs with instrument picture cards.
montessori education
6. Food Corner
Various tools for preparing meals are used as needed.
7. Toilet Learning
In Montessori education, toilet training is "toilet learning," emphasizing what we do to control and empty the bowel and bladder. At Children's House, our environment is arranged to enable children to learn how to manage toileting by themselves. This includes providing access to the toilet at all times, using cloth pants (Econicopants) that the children put on and take off by themselves, and utilizing a child-sized bench for sitting and dressing.
8. Outdoor Activities Corner
Children use Child-sized brooms, dustpans, shovels, and more when they want to engage in outdoor activities.
in More Detail
Montessori Education in More Detail:
Prepared Environment
Children, even without explicit instruction, exert effort and stand up on their own. In Montessori education, adults closely observe each child and make decisions to ensure an optimal environment for each child to acquire the skills each encounters during the sensitive periods (※1).
For instance, furniture and tools are sized for children's ease of use. Adults slowly and clearly demonstrate how to use them. Within an environment tailored for development, children blossom. They actively engage in activities at Children’s House and take the first step in adapting to social life. The protagonists in Children's House are always the children, and the guides play a supporting role, acting like shadows, facilitating the children's growth rather than "teaching." Such an attitude is also part of the prepared environment.
The Absorbent Mind
During Maria Montessori’s extended stay in India, she discovered a unique phenomenon observed only in the first stage (0 to 6 years)※2 of development. which she named the "absorbent mind." A child absorbs details in their surroundings, much like a sponge absorbs water.

The absorbent mind in the 0-6 age range is divided into two developmental stages. 0 to 3 years old are called "unconscious creators," absorbing things in the environment unconsciously. Driven by internal impulses, and using their 5 senses, they absorb details in language, movement, culture, customs, habits, values, and even the feelings and attitudes of those around them.

The absorbent mind in 3 to 6 year olds differs from that of 0 to 3 years old. It is termed "conscious workers." Unlike 0 to 3 year olds, 3 to 6 year olds choose what they absorb. Children in this stage have already acquired some level of independence, being able to move and speak. Now they intentionally strengthen and refine the abilities they acquired up to age three.
Sensitive Periods (※1):
The absorbent mind and sensitive periods constitute the two pillars of Montessori education. Maria Montessori discovered that children become intensely focused on specific activities during certain periods, which she termed "sensitive periods." For instance, 1 to 2 years old show a strong attachment to particular things during the "period of order." During these sensitive periods, children acquire crucial abilities for physical and mental well-being by concentrating and repeating activities. Once acquired, children undergo a transformative change, both physically and mentally.

Various sensitive periods related to children from 0 to 3 years include:
  • Sensitive Period for Language (from around 7 months in utero to 2 years)
  • Sensitive Period for Order (peaking from birth to 1.5-2 years)
  • Sensitive Period for Small Objects (around 2 years)
  • Sensitive Period for the Senses (0-3.5 years, tactile sense from 2 to 3 years)
  • Sensitive Period for Movement (acquisition period from birth to around 2.5 years)
  • Sensitive Period for Socialization (from birth to 6 years, peaking from 3.5 to 6 years)
Four Stages of Development (※2)
Maria Montessori classified human development into four stages, each further divided into two:
  • Stage 1: 0-6 years - Infancy and Early Childhood
  • Stage 2: 6-12 years - Childhood
  • Stage 3: 12-18 years - Adolescence
  • Stage 4: 18-24 years - Adulthood (Maturity Period)
Dr. Montessori emphasizes that the period from 0 to 6 years is the most crucial for education, asserting that this is when human intelligence, and not just intellect, is formed. She contends that the most significant time in a person's life is not during university studies but during the first six years from birth.
“Now that the psychologists have come to study life, there is a tendency to go to the other extreme,and there are other people besides me who say that the most important part of life is not the university, but the first period, the period that extends fro m 0 to 6 years. Because it is during this first period that intelligence, the great instrument of man, is formed; and not only intelligence, but the whole of the psychic faculties is constructed during this period.”

Maria Montessori “The Absorbent Mind” 30p

First Start Publishing eBook edition October 2012
Manufactured in the United States of America