自然 ~ Nature
From 0 to 6 years old is the period of what Maria Montessori calls the "absorbent mind." Especially, children up to the age of 3 unconsciously absorb their surroundings to build their personalities. During this time, by touching greenery, feeling the soil, experiencing the wind, touching small living things, smelling plants, and absorbing nature, the Earth becomes a part of the child. The child grows to love nature and the environment. We hope that the children at our Nara Children’s House become individuals who think about the world and Japan on a global scale.
  1. お庭の探索をします


  2. 環境について学びます


  3. お庭での活動をします


  4. 北天満町ちびっこ広場に行きます


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  5. 美しい奈良の名所へのお散歩をします


※ (1)発達の4段階とは
マリア・モンテッソーリによる人間の発達の観察結果をもとに構築された枠組み。第1段階を0~6歳の乳幼児期、第2段階を6~12 歳の児童期、第3段階を12~18 歳の思春期、第4段階を18~24 歳の青年期(成熟期)とし、各段階はさらに2つに分けられる。マリア・モンテッソーリは0歳から6歳時期の教育にこそ、最も力を入れるべきだ、と説きました。
「生涯のうちで最も大切な時期は、大学での勉学に相当する時期ではなく、むしろ誕生から6 歳までの第1 の時期である、と。この時期にこそ、人間の偉大な道具である知性が形成されるからです。さらに知性だけでなく精神的な機能全体が形成されるからです。」

モンテッソーリ・マリア著 中村勇訳 「子どもの精神―吸収する精神―」 29p
公益財団法人 才能開発教育研究財団 日本モンテッソーリ教育綜合研究所 2020年第7版発行

We conduct the following activities related to nature:
  1. Garden exploration:

    We want children to engage in activities such as exploring nature and playing in the mud in our carefully designed garden. Under our watchful supervision, children also continue to develop their gross motor skills while they explore a nearby park. A little farther away, they experience the magnificent nature of Nara Park and the peaceful scenery of Ukimido. Beautiful deer are seen up close. Maria Montessori explained that the first six years of life, within “the four stages of development※(1)”, are the most crucial for learning. In the particularly important period up to the age of 3, children should daily witness, feel, and actively engage with the beautiful nature.

  2. Learning about the environment:

    Children learn that resources, including water, are limited. We show children natural ways to reuse water, compost kitchen waste for fertilizer, and recycle, occasionally involving them in these activities. Children observe how adults think about and treat the Earth's environment. Our attitude as adults becomes crucial.

  3. Activities in the garden:

    Using appropriately sized tools for children's development, such as small watering cans, buckets, brooms, and rakes, we engage in activities like watering trees, pulling weeds, and sweeping up leaves. This promotes gross and fine motor skill development while connecting with nature.

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  4. Kitatenma cho Chibikko Park:

    About a 10-minute walk northeast from the Children's House. This park, with slightly sloping grounds, is an ideal place for children to take great pleasure in movement. Activities include walking, running, climbing, hanging, jumping, pushing, pulling, and sliding to develop gross motor skills. Moving their bodies vigorously contributes to independence and self-esteem.

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  5. Strolls to Nara landmarks:

    We venture to the rich nature of Nara Park and explore the gazebo at Sagi Pond, wave to the deer, and collect fallen leaves, pine cones, and acorns. Also, we enter the former Daijyo-in Temple to the west of our Children's House to admire its beautiful garden.

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※Four stages of development:
A framework constructed based on Maria Montessori's observations of human development. The first stage is the infancy and toddlerhood period from 0 to 6 years old. The second stage is the childhood period from 6 to 12 years old. The third stage is the adolescence period from 12 to 18 years old, and the fourth stage is the young adulthood (maturity) period from 18 to 24 years old. Each stage is further divided into two. Maria Montessori emphasized that education during the first six years of life is the most important for learning.
“Now that the psychologists have come to study life, there is a tendency to go to the other extreme,and there are other people besides me who say that the most important part of life is not the university, but the first period the period that extends from 0 to 6 years because it is during this first period that intelligence, the great instrument of man, is formed; and not only intelligence, but the whole of the psychic faculties is constructed during this period.

Maria Montessori ”The Absorbent Mind” 30 p
First Start Publishing eBook edition October 2012 Manufactured in the United States of America